• Advances in Gas Chromatography V Meeting Announced

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Advances in Gas Chromatography V Meeting Announced

Jul 29 2015

A joint meeting organised by The Chromatographic Society and the North West Region of the Analytical
Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Gas chromatography is still the technique of choice for analysing both volatile and semi volatile compounds, but as we move to more difficult matrices, more is being asked of the technique in terms of separation and limits of detection. The meeting sets out to give an overview of current GC technologies and methodologies as well as information on newer GC solutions.

The biennial joint meeting is organised by The Chromatographic Society and the North West Region of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry. It is being held on the 14th October 2015 at the Heath Business Park Runcorn, Cheshire, and is the fifth meeting of this series.

The meeting has been put together to showcase work from industry, academia and the instrument companies and the very full program has been designed to accommodate the needs of both experienced chromatographers as well as those new to the technology and its applications.

The expansive one day event has been structured to bring attendees up to speed with the ‘state of play’ in gas chromatography, its associated instrumentation and support products, in previous years it has been a ‘full house’ and booking early is recommended.

The meeting is being held at the Heath Business Park in Runcorn a site which is well connected to road, rail and air links. The main sponsors for the event are Agilent and Thermo Scientific. An instrument exhibition will be held in parallel to the scientific meeting.Exhibitors signed up for the event include: Anatune, Anthias Consulting/JSB, Crawford Scientific, Hichrom. Phenomenex, Markes International, Sigma Aldrich, Shimadzu, Thames Restek.

Topics and Speakers:

08:45- 09:25 - Registration, Coffee and Exhibition

09:25- 09:30 - Introduction (Alan Handley, LGC)

09:30- 10:00 – ‘Advances in Automated Sample Preparation (Ray Perkins, Anatune)

10:00-10:30 – ‘Tactics for faster GC using existing instrumentation’ (Jaap.deZeeuw, Restek)

10:30-11:00 – ‘Current detector options in Gas Chromatography – making the right choice’ (Diane Turner, Anthias Consulting)

11:00- 11:35 - ‘Compound discovery, identification and quantitation using a novel Orbitrap based GC-MS System’ (Paul Silcock, Thermo Scientific)

11:35- 12:10 - ‘A Guide to real-world Multidimensional GC’ (Bryan White, JSB)

Lunch and Exhibition

13:45-14:15 - ‘Application of Comprehensive GCMS to Metabolomics’ (Professor Benedikt Kessler, Oxford University)

14:15-14:45 - ‘Breast Implants as bio-banks for the future: GCxGC-TOF MS of complex Matrices’ (Laura Mc Gregor, Markes Interantional)

14:45-15:15 - ‘GC Method Optimisation and Troubleshooting' (Niroda Shannan, Phenomenex)

15:15-15:30 – ‘The science behind RSA glass and why it's relevant to the chromatographer’ (Helen Poole, Hichrom)

Break and Exhibition

16:00- 16:30 – ‘Taking the Sample to the Problem’ (Speaker to be announced, University of York)

16:30- 17:00 – ‘Is there a perfect sample preparation technique for Aroma Analysis?’ (Lewis Jones, Mars Petcare)

17:00-17:30 – ‘GC/ICP/MS and it uses in Environmental Analysis’ (Panayot Petrov, LGC)

Registration Costs:
Members of either The Chromatographic Society, RSC or BMSS - £60
Non Members Early Bird - £80
Non Members after 4th September - £95
Students* and Retired Early Bird - £10
Students and Retired after 4th September - £15
Student Bursaries are available for this event.

For more details and to register for this event please contact: alan.handley@lgcgroup.com, mobile: 07917416529 or visit The Chromatographic Society website.

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